Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lego Bento Box : Tricolour Bento with Ikea meat balls

This is one of my favourite bento boxes which I bought near the Dam last winter. Its really quite big for a lunchbox because its as big as a real BRICK. which is quite funny... life-sized lego brick. hahahaha!

That's why you can see in this photo that I only filled up half the brick with rice and left the other half for the pickled mango. If you are thinking that the contents look familar, yes, that's because the pickled mango were also in yesterday's bento box. Am I bored of it? Nah I'm not, I like mangos and I like this side condiment. It stores pretty well too in the fridge, so its really great as a "instant" bento condiment.

Ikea meat balls are wonderful as well. I just have to grab the number I want and nuke them in the microwave or if time permits, give them a good bake. Thats all :D
My favourite Bento Box: Lego Bento Box

Oh yes, if you are wondering how I make the mango side dish, you can find the recipe here "Bento Tricolour Furikake and Mango Pickle"

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About Bento Cat

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
I'm Shanna and I enjoy bento making a lot. I'm also a wife, daughter,sister,a full-time student, previous fashion and product designer, nerd and super foodie all rolled into one. With Adventures of Bento Cat, I hope to document the daily happenings of my life through Bentos filled with Tender Loving Care and more! I can be contacted at bentokato@gmail.com
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