Friday, August 12, 2011

Cook a pot of Curry Day - It's All about the Spices

Here is a post on typical spices used in many South and South East Asian cuisine. Since different regions often name the same spices differently, what is better than a pictorial representation of the different sort of spices available? Let me know if I have missed out any and I will try to put up a picture here. Enjoy Cook a pot of Curry Day, Star!

Green and Black Cardamom

Black and White Peppercorn

Red, Green, Black, White Peppercorn

Caraway seeds

Star Anise

Cinnamon Sticks and Cinnamon Powder

Dried Cloves

Nutmug fruit and the red part is called Mace

Coriander Seeds

Cumin Seeds
Tumeric Powder
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
I'm Shanna and I enjoy bento making a lot. I'm also a wife, daughter,sister,a full-time student, previous fashion and product designer, nerd and super foodie all rolled into one. With Adventures of Bento Cat, I hope to document the daily happenings of my life through Bentos filled with Tender Loving Care and more! I can be contacted at
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